Autism Spectrum Disorder In Dubai | Sharing Solution For Autism Spectrum Disorder

American Psychiatric Association has made a 5th edition of the diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder. According to the reference of DSM 5, to diagnose ASD, a person must show certain mental and behavioral conditions. This includes a lot of diagnostic criteria and symptoms. As you know, autism spectrum disorder is not a curable disorder. Therefore, different therapies are provided to the children to ensure a proper lifestyle. 

Autism Spectrum Disorder In Dubai helps them to adapt to the environment. Furthermore, these therapies aim to help a person establish a lifestyle that facilitates them in daily activities. Our goal is simple and that is to provide maximum help to autistic people.

Signs and Symptoms   

According to the American Psychiatric Association, we can only diagnose autism spectrum disorder through the 5th edition diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders. According to DSM 5, an autistic child must have can show the following symptoms. 

  • According to criteria A, there is a persistent deficit in social communication and interaction. It means that a person has social and emotional reciprocity. A child cannot understand nonverbal communication and fails to maintain relationships—furthermore, they lag facial expressions. 
  • According to criteria B, a child has a repetitive pattern of behaviors, activities and interests; for example, they will keep eating the same food every day in an abnormal behavioral context. Even the small changes will distress them. 
  • Likewise, in criteria C, these symptoms are present in early development. 
  • Lastly, in criteria D, the symptoms can significantly affect a person’s social, occupational, and other areas of functioning. 

Can autistic children go to regular school? 

Autism spectrum disorder in Dubai helps children hang out in their schools. In addition, regular schools do not support autistic children in their schools. At the same time, they can have difficulty adapting to the most traditional schools. Likewise, autism spectrum disorder in Dubai is helpful as special programs in this educational system are adopted for autistic children. 

The teachers are highly functional in the lives of autistic children. It is one of the best-tailored education with special classes and treatment. With their highly Skilled manners, the teachers teach children specific letters, shapes, and numbers through typically more developmental therapies. 

Future of Autistic Children 

The future of autistic children is relatively safe with treating Autism Spectrum Disorder In Dubai. We hired the most professional teachers, psychiatrists, and team to help your child with educational and community application processes. Special inclusion programs are made for the children to learn new skills on their level. 

The future of autistic children is safe with us because of our professional therapists and teams. We give the most natural environment to autistic children so that they feel comfortable. Furthermore, we have special inclusion programs and help for these children. We aim to ensure that autistic children receive proper treatment. 

Treatment for Autism Spectrum Disorder 

There are different therapies for Autism Spectrum Disorder In Dubai. These therapies try children to cope with the environment and adapt new skills.  

  • Behavioral management therapy. 
  • Cognitive behavior therapy. 
  • Early intervention. 
  • Educational and school-based therapies. 
  • Joint attention therapy. 
  • Medication treatment. 
  • Nutritional therapy. 
  • Occupational therapy. 
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