Behavior Problems

Autism Support UAE | Supporting and Leading Together With Autism

ASD is a neurodevelopmental disorder that can cause impairment in daily life activities in terms of behavior, interests or activities. ASD is not a fatal disease; it is present from early childhood causing impairment in everyday functioning. It isn’t easy to diagnose as early as five, whereas certain diagnostic features are seen early.  For further […]

Managing Autism with Behavioral Therapy in UAE

In behavioral therapy, our therapists work with children with autism spectrum disorders to help them reach positive goals as well as focus on their social relations. Different behavioral therapies have been established that help in reinforcing and improving communication, sensory integration, and communication. After getting to know in detail about these therapies, you can figure […]

Treating Problem Behaviors: Dealing with Your Child Aggression

Behavior Problems are aggressive or problem behaviors that occur as communication, coping, or problem-solving skills. These behaviors may be harmful to the child or others around them. In recent years, there has been a growing interest in the study of problem behaviors. The most common problems include verbal and physical aggression, intrusions, property destruction, running […]

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