developmental therapies in Dubai

Development Delay Development Delay  developmental therapies in Dubai

Developmental Delay Understanding | Causes and Therapies

Developmental delay is a term used to describe a child who is not meeting the typical milestones for their age. Children with developmental delays may have difficulty with physical, cognitive, or social skills. Developmental delay is common in children with autism, but with the right support and therapy, children with developmental delays can make progress […]

Development Delay | Get the Professionals to Help Your Child

It becomes quite problematic for parents to know that their child is going through a developmental delay situation. On the other hand, there are now many treatment options and diagnoses for properly labeling developmental delay. Furthermore, a person can never predict a child’s future intelligence and learning abilities.  On the whole, development delay means that […]

Developmental Delays | Treatment of Autism in Dubai

A developmental delay is usually seen when a child does not gain the essential developmental skills like children of their age. These delays can be cognitive in nature, speech or language delay, and motor function delay. You may be able to notice the early signs and symptoms from their school age. Different types of therapies […]

Exceptional Reading skills in Autism associated Hyperlexia

Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder are a group of children suffering from multiple behavioural disorders at once. All of the present behavioural issues are rooted from a dysfunctional part of their brain, which either over-works or under-works its capacity. As contrasting it can be with the psychological disorders of Autism, autistic children can also have […]

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