A family consists of multiple members, each having their identity. If one or more of the individuals are suffering from Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), this holds an equal possibility that one or all of the siblings might have the genetic inheritance of a certain or majority of the behavioural disorders found in the ASD child.
The heritability of Autism is observed within the formation of the genes as well. A child may or may not exhibit the symptoms of Autism as young as between 1-2 years of age. The symptoms may undergo an increase in intensity with time or if stayed unnoticed. The conditions of Autism can be inherited from parents or families if the genes’ inherited formation includes the mutation pattern in any form.
Trent Gaugler, in his study, states that as the siblings are related and house similar genetic forms, there is a greater chance of one or more siblings having a genetic formation that would include one particular trait or multiple not so obvious traits of either autism spectrum disorder or other kinds of behavioural disorders. The heritability of the narrow sense autism, which is the condition with not very elaborate behavioural problems, is concluded to be around 52.4%, by the common genetic variation amongst siblings. Some genetic forms have also surfaced to incline some special genetic variants which are more peculiar than broad-spectrum autism, only to be found in around 2.5% of the patients diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder.
It is also studied that in the case of twins in a family where one of the identical twins is autistic, the other twin has several social and behavioural disorders, which are normally calculated in broad-spectrum autism. In consideration shall be kept the genetic trace of autism between families. Some of the controls have been also found to have inherited Autism in case any of their direct relatives were also diagnosed with ASD. While it is difficult to define from which parent or side of the family one might inherit such a condition, it is found that if any of the direct relatives have been diagnosed with any psychiatric disorder, the mutations of that disorder might pass on to the generations to come in any form.
The studies have also shown that the majority of these behavioural disorders occur in the case of either genetic inheritance or genetic mutation. The inheritance can be traced if one or both parents had been diagnosed with one or more psychiatric conditions. Many of the children studied placed a higher degree of confidence in the chromosome mutation in the genes. The genetic mutation is also involved, stating that the parents can transfer the mutations of the genes to their off-springs. While many of the studies provide multiple reasons, it is yet unclear to the exact or the majority of the autistic population’s genes to have either inherited or mutated the condition.
Autism Spectrum Disorder is still a condition to require research and analysis. What we have found in the behavioural problems and the physical shortcomings in the patients of ASD, determines that with great care and help of multiple therapies available in Dubai and around the world,.We can play our part in understanding the disorder and develop prosocial and better traits in the autistic children around us.